A Pragmatic Evaluation of Face Smile Detection
Oday A. Hassen
Department of Mathematics
College of Science
University of Mustansiriya, Iraq
Shashi Ojha
Research Scholar
Department of Psychology
North East Frontier Technical University
Along, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Arvind Kumar Srivastava
Retired Professor (Psychology), India
Implementation of Secured IPv6 for 6LoWPAN Based Internet of Things
Dr. Vijayaraghavan. A
Professor & Head
Department of CSE
HMSIT, Tumkur, Karnataka, India
GST : It’s Significance and Challenges in India
(M.A Economics , UGC-NET Qualified)
H.No. 13/9J, M.D.U. Campus,
Rohtak, Haryana
Rupinder Singh
M.Tech. Research Scholar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India
Dr. Rajneesh Randhawa
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India
Non Performing Assets: A Study of Public Bank and Private Bank
Munish Gupta
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Arya (PG) College, Panipat, Haryana, India
Faculty of Commerce, Haryana, India
Priya Gupta
Assistant Professor, Arya (PG) College, Panipat, Haryana, India
Trajectory Data Warehouse and Design Perspectives
Halgare Nanasaheb Mahadev
Research Scholar
Kalinga University, Chhattisgarh, India
Dr. Ali Akbar Bagwan
Research Supervisor
Kalinga University, Chhattisgarh, India
Durability and Integrity of Nanoceramic Based Implementations in Assorted Domains
Anand Kumari
Delhi, India
Inclination Of Indian Five Star Hotel Industry Towards Developing People - An Empirical View
Dr. Mamta Rani
Assistant Professor (Contract)
IMS, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
Haryana, India
Performance Appraisal of Mutual Funds in India
Dr. Pawan Kumar
Assistant Professor, USB
Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali
Punjab, India
Demonetisation: A Modern Concept In India Or Initiative Of Chanakya
Dr. Parveen Mann
Assistant Professor
Hindu Girls College
Sonipat, Haryana, India